KangaROOS Moon Pack
KangaROOS is about to drop some pretty dope kicks known as The Moon Pack and nothing vibes with us more than a good space inspired product, especially when it comes to sneakers. Inspired by the events from 50 years ago, when a group of legends changed history forever. The Apollo 11 reached the Moon on July 20th 1969 after having traveled 240,000 miles (384,000 Km) in 76 hours. The mission was lead by Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Micheal Collins. Armstrong was the first human to step out of the lunar module followed by Aldrin while Collins remained in the command module.
40 years ago a Boston based architect and athletic enthusiast, Bob Gamm invented a sneaker with a pocket to store in his keys while running 10k on his morning routine. Bob designed the product for his own personal use and realised that there could be a market for his invention and started KangaROOS right away. When searching for proper shock absorption systems, Bob came across DYNACOIL, which is a tubular nylon fabric that was developed by NASA for the Apollo space program and used for shock absorption in the astronauts suits and boots - even during the Moon landing! Bob decided to refine it for the use in KangaROOS midsoles. KangaROOS wanted to bring these two mission together show casing the Bright side and the Dark side of the moon as their special colour way with one of their classic silhouettes known as the ULTIMATE which is due to release on the 31st of August in selected stores.
Pics by @themoldernway for @kangaroossneakers / KangaROOS Facebook